Virtual Gastric Band

Virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy is a remarkable weight loss program that’s extremely effective (over 90% success rate) in assisting people lose weight.

It’s a popular alternative to gastric band surgery, is completely safe and much more affordable.

It’s not a diet, it’s a whole mindset shift and lifestyle change.

VGB hypnotherapy retrains the mind to become satisfied with much smaller portions, so there’s no need for more food. It changes the way you think about food leading to desired weight loss. It’s very safe, has no side effects, doesn’t involve drugs, is completely painless, and there’s no need to take time off from work in order to recover.

Through hypnosis, your subconscious is convinced you have had a gastric band “fitted” around the top part of your stomach, which restricts the amount of food you can eat. The aim is for your body to respond to this suggestion by making you feel fuller quicker, as if you’ve had the real gastric band surgery.

It provides a lifestyle change that happens without conscious effort using the power of the subconscious. You feel happier, lighter, more energetic, and more self-confident in a manner that’s often really surprising.

A “no effort” weight management program sounds too good to be true though right?! The thing is, it’s not really about weight management, it’s about dealing with the reasons why we eat too much in the first place. Losing weight’s just a result of better eating choices and smaller portions.

There’s a minimum of five sessions per client for the program. As a bonus, I can include additional sessions covering portion sizes, sugar cravings, chocolate addiction, emotional eating, binge eating, low carb lifestyle, healthy food choices, and exercise motivation after that.