About Jacqui

My story

I started Shift because of my own experience and success with hypnotherapy. In 2019 I had a virtual gastric band “fitted” around my stomach through hypnosis, with the amazing (late) Lyn Davis. I’d struggled with my weight all my life, was addicted to food, and felt like I’d tried everything – diets, exercise, fads – none of it worked. 

But Hypnotherapy did. In 6 months, I lost 23kg, dropped four dress sizes, and am now the fittest and strongest I’ve ever been! It was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself

I’d describe being hypnotized as feeling really deeply relaxed and ‘dreamy.’ You’re always in control and aren’t ‘out for the count’ or anything like that – I could still hear everything going on around me, and it was like I was just having a lovely big relax in the chair, while focusing on Lyn’s voice and repeating what she was saying to myself in my head.

I really wanted it to work, believed in Lyn’s talent totally and fully trusted the process.

Because I’ve had such an amazing experience with hypno, I want everyone to see what it’s like and help them achieve the same results! So in February of this year (2022), I sold my HR business (after 15 years of being in HR) to focus on hypno and getting Shift up and running. I fully believe that this is my calling.

Same dress, different Woman!